Saturday, June 29, 2013

Hello Blogger!

Our family is getting bigger! So, we decided to make a blog- to get you more updated about our Princess Shinhye. Yay!

We already planned this months ago, but we want to publish this blog with a memorable date. So, we decided to make it today, 29th June 2013 - Kiss of Angel in Thailand (2013 Park Shin Hye Asia Tour's 4th destination) and Heartstrings 2nd Anniversary (as it was aired in MBC last 29th June 2011).

Most of our sites are Heartstrings themed especially our Facebook Page
Facebook Cover Photo
We hope that Thai Starlight Angels are enjoying their moment with our Princess (Kiss of Angel in Thailand). Here's a fan-photo during the fan-meeting:

[c] kkpudding's twitter

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